What’s New in Windows 11

3 min readJun 27, 2021

As you know, Windows 11, which will be the new version of Windows, has been officially introduced recently, so what innovations will Windows 11 offer us?

What’s new

Now users will be able to run applications developed for android without the need for any emulators. In previous years, Windows tried to make applications work like exe files by publishing a program to an emulator and converting applications to Windows files for this problem, but things did not go well and this project was trashed, now we can run any android file without

Windows 11 will also let users configure multiple desktops for work, home, and gaming, like on a Mac.

Windows 11 will be available as a free update to existing Windows 10 users — although some devices will not have the right specifications. At least 64GB of storage and 4GB of RAM are required. For more information

One of the important changes is the position of the cosmetically renewed “Start” button, here we can say that Windows is similar to mac. devices, of course, you can justify the position of the “Start” button to the left if you want.

One of the innovations is the widgets that we are used to seeing on android phones. In my opinion, these widgets are outdated. I still have trouble understanding why Windows is struggling with these widgets. If you think differently from me, please do not forget to indicate it as a comment.

One of the changes that will be made in Windows 11 will be the replacement of the icons we are used to seeing in Windows with new simple icons. These icons will breathe new life into Windows after the icons we’re used to seeing all the time.

Xbox Game Pass, the gaming service owned by Microsoft, will now be built into Windows, and Windows aims to maximize the gaming experience of players with new updates. As a game lover, it makes me happy to see them.

Another innovation we should mention is that Microsoft Teams, Microsoft’s corporate communication network, will now be integrated into Windows, I can say that Microsoft is pushing some things here, while people communicate with many different applications, Windows gives its own communication application built-in. It’s a little weird, don’t forget to comment if your thoughts are different from mine.

That’s all I have to write about the game for now, I hope you like it.

Please correct me if I have any mistakes or mistakes.




someone who likes to blog about different topics as they come to mind